Song #11: All of It

I thought it'd be fun to write an honest song that challenged the Bruno Mars track - praising a lover's "shadow side" and loving someone TRULY "just the way they are."
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LYRICS:I could write a thousand lines
about your hair, about your smile
it's true you are beautiful the way that you are
but we've all got our shadow side:
bad mood and fears and age-worn lines
and just as many times as you make me laugh,
you can be a real pain in the ass
your tears mix with makeup and create a mess
you're out late with friends sending drunken texts
you kick back at home in old baggy sweats
and I just can't get enough of you
and I choose all of it
I'll take all of you
if it weren't for all of it,
you wouldn't be you,
and I wouldn't know what to do
the worst thing I could ever dream
is your compromising anything for me
you were fine before you even knew my name
so don't you dare go change a thing
or settle for less than amazing
and I promise you that I'll do the same
so what if it's been months since you touched a broom
and damn girl if you can't clear a room
I just can't get enough of you
and I choose all of it
I'll take all of you
if it weren't for all of it,
you wouldn't be you,
and I wouldn't know what to do
you sure clean up nice when you go out to dance
but I like you in that tank top and those yoga pants
it's safe to say I'm your biggest fan
and I just can't get enough of you
I choose all of it
I'll take all of you
If it weren't for all of it,
you wouldn't be you,
and I wouldn't know what,
no i wouldn't know what to do