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Song #37: Always

I was browsing some work by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda this week and came across his piece "Always." It spoke of acceptance, forgiveness, patience and desire and I found myself blown away by how much depth was communicated in a few simple words. Although it was not my intention to add anything to his poem or write a companion song, I did use it as inspiration and borrowed several of the ideas and images for this week's song.

See Pablo Neruda's "Always" here. 


to download this song for free


everyone has their story
all the people they carry
on their shoulders, in their hair
scores of lovers and families
children born and dead buried
and the fear you think I care

bring it all to where i'm waiting for you

there's wake of destruction
behind every someone
it's just the way it is
so you can come as you are, dear
wear it proud like a scar, dear
it's just the way it is

bring it all to where i'm waiting for you

and in this holy union
watch the fire burn up all that lied in ruins
and we will stand, alone,

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Reader Comments (5)

Just discovered your page earlier this week and think this is such a great idea. Your songs are incredible. I really love this song. Thanks for sharing your heart.

July 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRenee

Awesome song this week. Neruda is quite inspiring- heh? Your lyrics, although flavored by Neruda's poetry, stand out. But it's the music, vocals, and harmonies that combine with the words to create a beautiful song. Don't know how you do this, week after week after week... but, keep it up!

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTC

LOVE the idea of being inspired by someone else's inspiration...having eyes to see the beauty in something that someone created, something that they poured their heart into. Feeling the emotion in a poem or a painting or a song...so beautiful. It's a gift to see those things.

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMJS

Great acoustic sound on the track. And I don't get to hear the low side of your voice often - it's really rich! Good vocals on the whole thing. Your bridges are always pretty sweet, and this one's no exception. Nice, dude. Tender.

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdave

Renee - welcome! Thank YOU for sharing it with me.

TC - You bet. His work is amazing. Thanks for the kind compliment.

MJS - What do they say? It only takes a spark to get a fire going? I think it's something like that. Just keep passing on the inspiration.

Dave - Thanks man. Rich and Tender. Maybe that should be the name of my next album. Haha...

July 29, 2011 | Registered CommenterTrevor

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