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Song #27: So Much

"The simplest things are often the truest." [Richard Bach]


in place of all the things I don't say
here's a few words and chords that I know how to play
and a simple recourse
so I'll keep this short

there is so much I want to tell you
there is so much I need to say to you

don't know where to start, my thoughts aren't formed
just like a child with a thousand piece puzzle spilled out on the floor
but when the timing is right,
one day I'll sit you right down by my side because

there is so much I want to tell you
there is so much I need to say to you

there's my simple recourse
promised I'd keep it short, just know that

there is so much I want to tell you
there is so much I need to say to you

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Reader Comments (3)

Dare I say, my new favorite?... this is perfect, Trevor!

May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Conway

I like it! It's short and sweet...quite catchy too.

May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaitlinkav

Love it!

May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMJ

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