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Song #49: The Painting

Some time back one of my friends sent me this image - Gustav Klimt's The Kiss - as a sort of inspiration for my "One Love, One Year" songwriting project. I found so much going on and so much emotion in such a simple scene - the kind of rapture that is both passionate as well as sweet. I've since looked at this painting as a sort of target, wanting to aim for nothing less in my personal life.

As for the song, it is very simple and this recording is a bit raw and unpolished... but due to the unassuming nature of my subject, I kind of wanted to keep it that way.



him left, her right
a soft kindled fire just about to ignite
her swoon, his lead
a hand on the back of her head, fingers on her cheek

i pictured the people in the painting
with envy and disbelief, as merely a fantasy
but now that we're the people in the painting
it turns out that they were right,
love turns gold when it reflects the light

him above, her beneath
face painted warmly with a tender ecstasy
soft curves, hard lines
merge into something that is quite undefined

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Reader Comments (1)

You did it crazy justice...loved it. And I loved the supposition of yourself into it. It's beautiful.

October 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMJS

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