Art and Parenthood
Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 11:32AM
In light of this week's song I was thinking about art that relates to parenthood. I remembered this mixed-media piece I did for my daughter before she was born. I handwrote Diane di Prima's poem "Song for Baby-O, Unborn" on a piece of lined paper, finger painted around it and she's had it on her wall ever since.
What about you?
Do you have any artwork or poems or songs that mean something to you about being a parent or make you think of your childhood?
Reader Comments (5)
When I was about Kalli's age my dad wrote a song for me. I still listen to it all the time and even tear up sometimes. Coming from a girl who knows, this is the best gift you can give her and it will never get old :)
My father painted and worked in oils. He painted circus pictures to place on the nursery walls for when I was born. I kept one picture up in my bedroom into my early teens because it reminded me of his love for me. I have tried to write a song for my son, but just haven't been able to put into words and music the love I feel for him. I did sing to my son all the time when he was a baby. Holding him in my arms and singing him to sleep is something I will always remember. What you've written for Kalli is something she will treasure forever. It is such a great gift to her.
"You got the only daddy that'll walk the line" makes me think of my dad and my sister when we were little.
Wow, you guys, inspirational. And thank you for the kind words.
I write an anonymous blog about my adventures in parenthood. It allows me the freedom to share all my stories and reality, without the fear of being judged. Every time I post a new entry, I print a copy and tuck it away, with the intent that someday I will share my words with my children. I like to think that one day they will appreciate seeing the happiness, sadness, joy, embarrassment, elation, confusion, frustration, fear, worry, pride, love and contentment that they have created for me. Created....that's interesting...technically I created them...yet they have made me.
Thanks for the reminder of how sweet parenting is's always refreshing to witness your relationship with Kalli.