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Song #6: The Attic

"Anything worthwhile takes effort."

One of the easiest traps to fall into in life is that slow disintegration into drifting. You know what I mean: it's that place of cruise-control, of reacting instead of acting, of going through the motions. Unless we consciously intend to live and love "on purpose", gravity tends to pulls us into that old sinkhole time and again.

Sometimes we're fortunate enough to get a wake-up call - whether that comes from some sort of internal a-ha moment or perhaps more commonly from an unexpected outside event. In "The Attic", the narrator has just such an experience after stumbling across a box of momentos that had been tucked away.

Musically, this song is a bit unorthodox and experimental. It doesn't follow a normal song format, nor does it really have a hook or even a real chorus. Maybe we could best describe it as "a short story set to music."


CLICK HERE to download this song for free


brown banged up boxes,
all taped and stacked up
pull one to the ground
and blow off the dust
let's see what I can find...

well, here's that old album
with pictures of us
and scraps of old letters
professing our love
the remnants of a life

I can see what we had
but look how I've been
I guess I just didn't feel prepared for this
It's all passing me by

it's said, life is what happens while we make our plans
remember when we said we'd always hold hands?
(but) the urgent trumped the day, and exhaustion, the night

my God, I have been entrusted with so very much
it's lovely and good but I didn't keep up
somewhere we got lost and failed to try

I can see what we had
but I know what I've been
I guess I just didn't feel prepared for this
somewhere I got lost and failed to try


well no more, no more
from here on I put my best foot forward
I don't want to take you for granted
well no more, no more
it's time that my own heart I restore
I don't want to take you for granted, again

tonight when I see you I'm gonna ask you to dance
and show you I still have the time for romance
I'm still amazed and you should know it

so I restack the box and climb back down the stairs
and find myself grateful for all that we've shared
you have my heart and it's past time I show it

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Reader Comments (6)

So this song is by far my favorite one yet. I love the violin in the background, as well as the argument in the break. Really good story and imagery to go with it. Very different from other songs...Thanks for continuing to share your music, you rock!

December 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

My new favorite.. thank you for making me realize , the worth...in words well written... Bravo Trev... you are real :)

December 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCJ

Every time I listen I hear something different... a new twist. Each week's song becomes my new fav.

My fav lines:

"It's said, life is what happens while we make our plans..."

"Tonight when I see you I'm gonna ask you to dance
and show you I still have the time for romance
I'm still amazed and you should know it."

Awesome and beautiful.

December 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTommy

Most definitely my favorite as well

December 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Trevor ~ this song is my favorite so far. Maybe because it hits close to home or its just because it's an awesome tune. I dunno ~ but I love it! Thanks again for allowing me to experience "ONE LOVE, ONE YEAR" along with you.

January 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Love this song! The beauty of a song is the many different types of significance it can bring to varying people. For me, I loved this bit:

tonight when I see you I'm gonna ask you to dance
and show you I still have the time for romance
I'm still amazed and you should know it

Why? Because that is exactly what we need to make time for in this life. Just put the urgencies and exhaustion aside and enjoy the company of one another. I guess I have forgotten to "dance" lately. Thanks for reminding us.

January 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLizzie Holland

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